11 oct 2010

I'm feeling krarky

   I'm feeling krarky
  "Krarky" is an invented word that means tired after a party.
  "Krarky" es una paraula inventada que vol dir cansat despres de sortir de festa

2 oct 2010

Let's talk about porn in the elevator

Minimal poster that defines my personality (Adria)
Poster minimal que defineix la meva personalitat (Adria)

26 sept 2010


Slaff means expansion of matter, it can be solid, liquid or gas, check liquid state right now
Slaff hace referencia a la expansión de la materia. Puede ser sólido, liquido o gas. Liquido en este caso.

25 sept 2010

Type work / Treball Tipografic

Axcon, a metalurgic company that is polluting the environment and not paying its worker.
Axcon, una empresa metal.lurgica que contamina el mediambient i no paga als seus treballadors.

23 sept 2010

Grindin the streets

This is Adriàs favourite spot after Cafe Belgie. He became the new local hero, 

Ik hou van Utrecht

Composition made of Utrecht handmade poster typographies